Friday, November 19, 2010

Cover letter (Persuasive Essay in Disguise)

Dear Mr. Smith

Perhaps you are looking for a highly capable, professional Commercial Building Engineer. In review of the attached resume you will find that I would exceed your expectations in performing this role.

My qualifications include all necessary skills such as Associate Degree in Commercial Building Engineering, Bachelors Degree in Physics, Minor in Computer Science, Electricity and Electronics.

As my enclosed resume reveals, I have the technical experience and educational background to succeed as your newest Building Engineer. I had been working as Service Technician in Farmer Brothers Company for almost 4 years.

 I can bring to the table a broad technical and business knowledge with the foundation of skills to quickly adapt to new technologies. I keep in eye the changes related to new technologies. I used to participate in various meetings regarding to technology.  I’m willing to learn.

You will find me to be a strong analytical problem solver and customer service skills. My ability to work in cooperation with teams and individuals has allowed me to consistently achieve goals.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


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